a cow

动物 | 一头牛


One serving of grilled fish

食物 | 一份烤鱼

A pair of siblings

| 一对兄弟姐妹

Some fruit on a plate

水果 | 盘子上的一些水果

A pot of grass

植物 | 一盆草

Santa Claus, looking at the camera, simling

节日 | Santa Claus, looking at the camera, simling

cute cartoon unicorn

独角兽 | 可爱的卡通独角兽

hello kitty standing and wearing a hat

HELLO KITTY | 站着的凯蒂猫戴着帽子

Watermelon, apple, pear, pineapple

水果 | 西瓜,苹果,梨,菠萝

Halloween pumpkin bowl with candy

节日 | 万圣节南瓜碗和糖果


自然 | 悬崖

a hot air balloon gently ascending with mountains  in the background

交通 | 一只热气球在背景中的山脉上轻轻升起

A classic hamburger on a bun with lettuce, tomato, and cheese, served alongside crispy fries on a checkered tablecloth

食物 | 一个经典的汉堡包,上面放着生菜、西红柿和奶酪,旁边配有脆薯条,铺在格子桌布上


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