Two puppies playing together

动物 | 两只小狗在一起玩


Cliff suspension bridge

自然 | 悬崖吊桥

a delicious strawberry cake

食物 | 美味的草莓蛋糕

a lone cactus stands tall in the vast desert, surrounded by sand dunes and a clear sky

自然 | 一棵孤独的仙人掌高高耸立在辽阔的沙漠中,四周环绕着沙丘和晴朗的天空

A nurse Barbie

| 护士芭比

Coral and plants in the seabed

植物 | 海底的珊瑚和植物

a unicorn runs towards the moon

独角兽 | 一只独角兽朝月亮奔跑

Some apples

水果 | 一些苹果

A lawn

自然 | 一片草坪

a sleek motorcycle parked

交通 | 一辆光滑的摩托车停着

Hello Kitty holding a big strawberry

HELLO KITTY | 抱着大草莓的凯蒂猫

A building with a garden outside

建筑 | 外面有花园的建筑

five cute ghosts with wizard hats

万圣节 | 五个戴着巫师帽的可爱幽灵


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