a Garfield cat looking at the camera

动物 | 一只看着相机的加菲猫


A building at sunset

建筑 | 日落时的建筑

a sleek motorcycle parked

交通 | 一辆光滑的摩托车停着

a ripe apricot on a tree

水果 | 树上的成熟杏子

two rabbits are having a conversation

动物 | 两只兔子在对话


食物 | 可颂

a dolphin gracefully jumps out of the water, splashing waves, against a calm ocean backdrop

动物 | a dolphin gracefully jumps out of the water, splashing waves, against a calm ocean backdrop

One serving of grilled fish

食物 | 一份烤鱼

durian fruit cut open

水果 | 切开的榴莲果

a plate of grapes

水果 | 一盘葡萄

love and flowers

节日 | 爱与花


节日 |

ice cream

食物 | 冰淇淋


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