Some sliced apples

水果 | 一些切片苹果



水果 | 草莓

a simple bear smiling

动物 | 一只简单的微笑熊

A bouquet of roses

植物 | 一束玫瑰

A nice steak sizzling on a plate, with a side of crispy fries and a fresh salad

食物 | A nice steak sizzling on a plate, with a side of crispy fries and a fresh salad

Luxury cruises

交通 | 豪华邮轮

Flowers in a vase

植物 | 花瓶里的花

Lots of heart balloons and flowers

节日 | Lots of heart balloons and flowers

A super cute dog wearing a wizard's hat and a Halloween pumpkin

万圣节 | 一只超级可爱的狗戴着巫师帽和万圣节南瓜

A three-storey house

建筑 | 一栋三层的房子

a cute car

交通 | 一辆可爱的车

A swimming Barbie

| 一个游泳的芭比

Hello Kitty holding a big strawberry

HELLO KITTY | 抱着大草莓的凯蒂猫


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