
交通 | 出租车


a train

交通 | 一列火车

a bicycle leaning against a tree in a park

交通 | 一辆靠在公园树上的自行车

two rabbits are having a conversation

动物 | 两只兔子在对话

Freshly sprouted plants

植物 | 新发芽的植物

A bowl of steaming noodles topped with slices of tender meat, served on a simple table

食物 | 一碗蒸腾的面条,上面放着嫩肉片,摆放在简单的桌子上

ice cream

食物 | 冰淇淋

a plane in the cloudy sky

交通 | 云层中的飞机

a fat pig sits on the ground and looks at the camera

动物 | 一只胖猪坐在地上看着摄像机

Kitten wearing a wizard's hat and a Halloween pumpkin

万圣节 | 戴着巫师帽和万圣节南瓜的小猫

an eagle soars in the sky

动物 | 一只老鹰在天空中翱翔

a Garfield cat looking at the camera

动物 | 一只看着相机的加菲猫

Full of flowers

植物 | 充满花朵


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