The desert has cacti

自然 | 沙漠里有仙人掌


a fat pig sits on the ground and looks at the camera

动物 | 一只胖猪坐在地上看着摄像机

christmas tree and many gifts

节日 | 圣诞树和许多礼物

a sleek motorcycle parked

交通 | 一辆光滑的摩托车停着

Two cute ghosts with wizard hats

万圣节 | 两个可爱的鬼魂戴着巫师帽

Valentine's Day couples and roses

节日 | 情人节的情侣和玫瑰

One serving of mapo tofu

食物 | 一份麻婆豆腐


水果 | 奇异果

There is a snowman outside a building

建筑 | 建筑外面有一个雪人。

One serving of grilled fish

食物 | 一份烤鱼

a king

| 一个国王

a kiwi cut in half showing its green flesh

水果 | 一只切成两半的猕猴桃,显示出其绿色果肉

a dolphin gracefully jumps out of the water, splashing waves, against a calm ocean backdrop

动物 | a dolphin gracefully jumps out of the water, splashing waves, against a calm ocean backdrop


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