a dachshund looking at the camera

动物 | 一只看着相机的腊肠犬


Lots of heart balloons and flowers

节日 | Lots of heart balloons and flowers

Some kebabs

食物 | 一些烤肉串

two princess, smiling

| 两个公主,微笑着

a mangoes

水果 | 一个芒果

One serving of fish-flavored shredded pork

食物 | 一份鱼味 shredded 猪肉

a big cool lone wolf standing on a rocky outcrop, gazing into the distance, side view

动物 | 一只大而酷的孤独狼站在岩石突起上,望向远方,侧面视图

easter, rabbits

节日 | 复活节,兔子

two friends, smiling

| 两个朋友,微笑着


节日 |

a bunch of lily

植物 | 一束百合


| 一对

Several bats standing on a Halloween pumpkin

万圣节 | 几只蝙蝠站在万圣节南瓜上


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