a pig

动物 | 一头猪


a big cool lone wolf standing on a rocky outcrop, gazing into the distance, side view

动物 | 一只大而酷的孤独狼站在岩石突起上,望向远方,侧面视图


食物 | 汉堡包

a simple traditional chinese building

建筑 | 一个简单的传统中国建筑

a cute lazy pig lies on the ground sleeping

动物 | 一只可爱的懒猪躺在地上睡觉


植物 | 花束

super man, front view

| 超人,正面视图

a dolphin gracefully jumps out of the water, splashing waves, against a calm ocean backdrop

动物 | a dolphin gracefully jumps out of the water, splashing waves, against a calm ocean backdrop

a dog is smugly holding a bone in its mouth

动物 | 一只狗得意洋洋地叼着一根骨头

french fries

食物 | 薯条


水果 | 奇异果

A castle

建筑 | 一座城堡

A salad

食物 | 一份沙拉


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