
节日 | 复活节



水果 | 桃子

a sailboat sailing against the wind in a bay

交通 | 一艘在海湾中逆风航行的帆船

Hello Kitty holding a big strawberry

HELLO KITTY | 抱着大草莓的凯蒂猫

a bicycle leaning against a tree in a park

交通 | 一辆靠在公园树上的自行车

A nice steak sizzling on a plate, with a side of crispy fries and a fresh salad

食物 | A nice steak sizzling on a plate, with a side of crispy fries and a fresh salad

Cliff suspension bridge

自然 | 悬崖吊桥

A loaf of bread sits on a wooden board, slices neatly arranged beside it, ready to be served

食物 | 一条面包放在木板上,旁边整齐地摆放着切片,准备好上菜。

Running up the horse

动物 | 跑向马

a Tyrannosaurus Rex stretches its head and looks at the camera

动物 | 一只霸王龙伸展头部并看着相机

the cartoon-style unicorn sits on the ground

独角兽 | 卡通风格的独角兽坐在地上

Some fruit on a plate

水果 | 盘子上的一些水果

a Cute little monkeys

动物 | 一只可爱的小猴子


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