Flowering plants

植物 | 开花植物


Kitten wearing a wizard's hat and a Halloween pumpkin

万圣节 | 戴着巫师帽和万圣节南瓜的小猫

A cute mummy holding a pumpkin for Halloween

万圣节 | 一个可爱的木乃伊在万圣节时抱着一个南瓜

A puppy is playing with a ball

动物 | 小狗正在玩球

Hello Kitty holding a big strawberry

HELLO KITTY | 抱着大草莓的凯蒂猫

Little girl in a dress

| 穿裙子的小女孩

a solitary cactus standing

植物 | 一株孤独的仙人掌


交通 | 直升机

A high-rise building

建筑 | 一栋高层建筑

Santa Claus, simling

节日 | 圣诞老人,微笑着

a ripe apricot on a tree

水果 | 树上的成熟杏子

a tranquil lake surrounded by smooth, flat rocks, reflecting calm waters, and dotted with a few solitary trees

自然 | a tranquil lake surrounded by smooth, flat rocks, reflecting calm waters, and dotted with a few solitary trees

Several bats standing on a Halloween pumpkin

万圣节 | 几只蝙蝠站在万圣节南瓜上


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