
食物 | 面条


There is a snowman outside a building

建筑 | 建筑外面有一个雪人。

A Halloween house

万圣节 | 一个万圣节之家

a crocodile comes out of the water

动物 | 一只鳄鱼从水中游出

Santa Claus, simling

节日 | 圣诞老人,微笑着

A brother and sister

| 一个兄弟和一个姐妹

A nice steak sizzling on a plate, with a side of crispy fries and a fresh salad

食物 | A nice steak sizzling on a plate, with a side of crispy fries and a fresh salad

a hamster is running and eating fruits at the same time

动物 | 一只仓鼠正在跑步,同时吃水果

A Santa Claus holding a present

节日 | 拿着礼物的圣诞老人

A loaf of bread sits on a wooden board, slices neatly arranged beside it, ready to be served

食物 | 一条面包放在木板上,旁边整齐地摆放着切片,准备好上菜。

A moving car

交通 | 一辆移动的汽车

a giraffe

动物 | 一只长颈鹿

a plate of grapes

水果 | 一盘葡萄


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