There is a snowman outside a building

建筑 | 建筑外面有一个雪人。


a sleek rocket launches into a clear sky, ascending rapidly with a trail of exhaust behind, casting a long shadow on the launchpad

交通 | 一枚流线型火箭发射进入晴朗的天空,迅速上升,身后留下一道排气轨迹,在发射台上投下长长的阴影

Hello Kitty is eating ice cream

HELLO KITTY | 凯蒂猫正在吃冰淇淋

Some strawberries

水果 | 一些草莓

Kitten wearing a wizard's hat and a Halloween pumpkin

万圣节 | 戴着巫师帽和万圣节南瓜的小猫

A simple cat lying on a Halloween pumpkin

万圣节 | 一只简单的猫躺在万圣节南瓜上

A castle

建筑 | 一座城堡

It snowed on Christmas Day

节日 | 圣诞节那天下雪了

Freshly sprouted plants

植物 | 新发芽的植物

Hello Kitty is standing

HELLO KITTY | 凯蒂猫正在站着

a cartoon-style unicorn is running

独角兽 | 一只卡通风格的独角兽正在奔跑

The desert has cacti

自然 | 沙漠里有仙人掌

a plane in the cloudy sky

交通 | 云层中的飞机