a sailboat sailing against the wind in a bay

transportation | a sailboat sailing against the wind in a bay

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Halloween big pumpkin smiley face

FESTIVAL | Halloween big pumpkin smiley face

Some apples

FRUITS | Some apples

A building with a garden outside

BUILDINGS | A building with a garden outside

Watermelon, apple, pear, pineapple

FRUITS | Watermelon, apple, pear, pineapple

a kangaroo wearing boxing gloves

ANIMALS | a kangaroo wearing boxing gloves

Some cookies

FOOD | Some cookies

a cable car ascending a steep mountain

TRANSPORTATION | a cable car ascending a steep mountain

a single coconut hanging from a tree branch

FRUITS | a single coconut hanging from a tree branch

a cute unicorn

UNICORN | a cute unicorn


FOOD | Cheese

A house with a chimney

BUILDINGS | A house with a chimney

A building at sunset

BUILDINGS | A building at sunset

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