a family of ducks swimming in a pond

animals | a family of ducks swimming in a pond

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FOOD | candy

a cute dog lying on the windowsill

ANIMALS | a cute dog lying on the windowsill

a mangoes

FRUITS | a mangoes

There is a slide outside a building

BUILDINGS | There is a slide outside a building

One serving of fish-flavored shredded pork

FOOD | One serving of fish-flavored shredded pork

rainbow in the sky

NATURE | rainbow in the sky

a cow

ANIMALS | a cow

a train


a kiwi cut in half showing its green flesh

FRUITS | a kiwi cut in half showing its green flesh

Some chocolate

FOOD | Some chocolate

christmas tree and many gifts

FESTIVAL | christmas tree and many gifts

Valentine's Day couples and roses

FESTIVAL | Valentine's Day couples and roses