a ripe apricot on a tree

fruits | a ripe apricot on a tree

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Flower field

NATURE | Flower field

a kangaroo hops across a vast, flat plain under a clear sky

ANIMALS | a kangaroo hops across a vast, flat plain under a clear sky

High-speed rail

TRANSPORTATION | High-speed rail

A sprig of flowers and an envelope

PLANTS | A sprig of flowers and an envelope

A bouquet of roses

PLANTS | A bouquet of roses

A Santa Claus holding a present

FESTIVAL | A Santa Claus holding a present

A Halloween house

HALLOWEEN | A Halloween house

a plane in the cloudy sky

TRANSPORTATION | a plane in the cloudy sky


FOOD | Cheese

a boy with many toys

PEOPLE | a boy with many toys

A castle

BUILDINGS | A castle

Hello Kitty holding a big strawberry

HELLO KITTY | Hello Kitty holding a big strawberry

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