
transportation | spaceship

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a crocodile basking on a muddy riverbank, scales glistening, eyes fixed on the horizon

ANIMALS | a crocodile basking on a muddy riverbank, scales glistening, eyes fixed on the horizon

a cozy apartment living room with a plush sofa, wooden coffee table, and shelves filled with books and plants

BUILDINGS | a cozy apartment living room with a plush sofa, wooden coffee table, and shelves filled with books and plants

a single basil plant in a small pot on a windowsill

PLANTS | a single basil plant in a small pot on a windowsill

There are 2 Halloween pumpkins under the cute dead tree

HALLOWEEN | There are 2 Halloween pumpkins under the cute dead tree

Some potted plants

PLANTS | Some potted plants

a building and some trees

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A lamb

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a princess, front close view

PEOPLE | a princess, front close view

There is one outside a house

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House with staircase

BUILDINGS | House with staircase

a Tyrannosaurus Rex

ANIMALS | a Tyrannosaurus Rex

easter, rabbits

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