a solitary elephant standing in a vast, grassy plain

animals | a solitary elephant standing in a vast, grassy plain

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the unicorn runs under the rainbow

UNICORN | the unicorn runs under the rainbow


PLANTS | tulip


FRUITS | peach

a kiwi cut in half showing its green flesh

FRUITS | a kiwi cut in half showing its green flesh


FOOD | Noodles

A super cute dog wearing a wizard's hat and a Halloween pumpkin

HALLOWEEN | A super cute dog wearing a wizard's hat and a Halloween pumpkin

a durian fruit cut open

FRUITS | a durian fruit cut open

A star Barbie

PEOPLE | A star Barbie

two friends, smiling

PEOPLE | two friends, smiling

Cliff suspension bridge

NATURE | Cliff suspension bridge

a cute cat lying on the windowsill

ANIMALS | a cute cat lying on the windowsill

princess, smiling

PEOPLE | princess, smiling