a serene landscape featuring a towering windmill gently rotating its blades

建筑 | 一个宁静的风景,拥有一座高耸的风车,轻轻旋转着它的叶片


two princess, smiling

| 两个公主,微笑着

A horse grazing with its head down

动物 | 一匹低头吃草的马

A loaf of bread sits on a wooden board, slices neatly arranged beside it, ready to be served

食物 | 一条面包放在木板上,旁边整齐地摆放着切片,准备好上菜。

A salad

食物 | 一份沙拉


自然 | 阿尔卑斯山

A doctor Barbie

| 一个医生芭比

Freshly sprouted plants

植物 | 新发芽的植物

Some strawberries

水果 | 一些草莓

Cute ghost wearing a Halloween pumpkin mask

万圣节 | 戴着万圣节南瓜面具的可爱鬼魂

A building with a circular swimming pool

建筑 | 一座有圆形游泳池的建筑

Hello Kitty is standing

HELLO KITTY | 凯蒂猫正在站着

the cartoon unicorn stands on the cloud

独角兽 | 卡通独角兽站在云彩上


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