
交通 | 快艇


a bicycle leaning against a tree in a park

交通 | 一辆靠在公园树上的自行车

hello kitty standing under the rainbow

HELLO KITTY | 凯蒂猫站在彩虹下

a small cartoon unicorn

独角兽 | 一只小卡通独角兽

hello kitty standing and wearing a hat

HELLO KITTY | 站着的凯蒂猫戴着帽子

the cartoon unicorn stands on the cloud

独角兽 | 卡通独角兽站在云彩上

Two puppies playing together

动物 | 两只小狗在一起玩

a family of ducks swimming in a pond

动物 | 一群在池塘里游泳的鸭子

There are cute rabbits under the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival

节日 | 中秋节期间,月下有可爱的兔子

A sprig of flowers and an envelope

植物 | 一枝花和一个信封

a solitary cactus standing

植物 | 一株孤独的仙人掌

House with staircase

建筑 | 带楼梯的房子

Cute bunny

动物 | 可爱的兔子


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