A bouquet of roses

植物 | 一束玫瑰


a sandwich with layered deli meats, cheeses, and crisp lettuce on toasted bread, served open-faced on a white plate

食物 | a sandwich with layered deli meats, cheeses, and crisp lettuce on toasted bread, served open-faced on a white plate

Some cookies

食物 | 一些饼干

Some kebabs

食物 | 一些烤肉串

a tall tower, front view

建筑 | 一座高塔,正面视图

a delicate herb sprouting from rocky soil, basking in sunlight, with tiny leaves covering slender stems, gently swaying

植物 | 一种从岩石土壤中冒出的精致草本植物,沐浴在阳光下,细长的茎上覆盖着小叶子,轻轻摇摆

happy birthday, cake, gifts

节日 | 生日快乐,蛋糕,礼物

five cute ghosts with wizard hats

万圣节 | 五个戴着巫师帽的可爱幽灵

a building and some trees

建筑 | 一栋建筑和一些树

a palace in a fairytale world

建筑 | 一个童话世界里的宫殿


食物 | 巧克力


植物 | 仙人掌

a monkey is looking at the camera with a smirk on its face

动物 | 一只猴子面带微笑地看着相机


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