a serene fox sitting under a tree, its bushy tail wrapped around, gazing into the distance

动物 | 一只宁静的狐狸坐在树下,毛茸茸的尾巴缠绕着,凝视着远方


A slice of pizza

食物 | 一片披萨

Cute mummy holding a halloween candle, Holding a pumpkin

万圣节 | 可爱的木乃伊拿着万圣节蜡烛,拿着南瓜

the cartoon-style unicorn sits on the ground with a smile

独角兽 | 卡通风格的独角兽坐在地上,微笑着

On the dining table, there is a glass of red wine with a steak and some food placed beside it

食物 | 在餐桌上,有一杯红酒,旁边放着一块牛排和一些食物。

a Barbie doll

| 一个芭比娃娃

A castle

建筑 | 一座城堡

Thanksgiving Day

节日 | 感恩节

A monkey

动物 | 一只猴子

The desert has cacti

自然 | 沙漠里有仙人掌

a Garfield cat looking at the camera

动物 | 一只看着相机的加菲猫

Flowering plants

植物 | 开花植物


食物 | 面条


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