a happy girl, front view

人 | 一个快乐的女孩,正面视图


a simple coral reef scene with various coral structures and marine life, including a serene swimming turtle, amid

植物 | 一个简单的珊瑚礁场景,包含各种珊瑚结构和海洋生物,包括一只宁静游泳的海龟,置身于

a sleek rocket launches into a clear sky, ascending rapidly with a trail of exhaust behind, casting a long shadow on the launchpad

交通 | 一枚流线型火箭发射进入晴朗的天空,迅速上升,身后留下一道排气轨迹,在发射台上投下长长的阴影

a handful of blueberries in a bowl

水果 | 一碗里的蓝莓


交通 |

a Tyrannosaurus Rex

动物 | 一只霸王龙

There is a snowman outside a building

建筑 | 建筑外面有一个雪人。

a sleek motorcycle parked

交通 | 一辆光滑的摩托车停着

a mangoes

水果 | 一个芒果

a happy boy, front view

| 一个快乐的男孩,正面视图

a group of beautiful butterflies

动物 | 一群美丽的蝴蝶

two princess, smiling

| 两个公主,微笑着

a simple traditional chinese building

建筑 | 一个简单的传统中国建筑


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