a sheep is looking at the camera and smiling

动物 | 一只羊正在看着摄像机并微笑


A slice of pizza

食物 | 一片披萨


交通 | 火车

Cute mummy holding a halloween candle, Holding a pumpkin

万圣节 | 可爱的木乃伊拿着万圣节蜡烛,拿着南瓜

Some fruit on a plate

水果 | 盘子上的一些水果

A puppy is playing with a ball

动物 | 小狗正在玩球

There are swings outside a building

建筑 | 建筑外有秋千


自然 | 悬崖

A cute bat standing on a pumpkin

万圣节 | 一只可爱的蝙蝠站在南瓜上

hello kitty standing and wearing a hat

HELLO KITTY | 站着的凯蒂猫戴着帽子

a large cargo ship sailing in the open sea

交通 | 一艘在公海航行的大型货船

Halloween big pumpkin smiley face

节日 | 万圣节大南瓜笑脸


| 一对


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