a happy boy, front view

人 | 一个快乐的男孩,正面视图


A single cookie cake on a table, with a fork beside it

食物 | A single cookie cake on a table, with a fork beside it

a kangaroo wearing boxing gloves

动物 | 穿着拳击手套的袋鼠

a cartoon-style unicorn is running

独角兽 | 一只卡通风格的独角兽正在奔跑

A Santa Claus holding a present

节日 | 拿着礼物的圣诞老人

A building at sunset

建筑 | 日落时的建筑

Hello Kitty holding a big strawberry

HELLO KITTY | 抱着大草莓的凯蒂猫

A doctor Barbie

| 一个医生芭比

A building with a circular swimming pool

建筑 | 一座有圆形游泳池的建筑

Hello Kitty is standing

HELLO KITTY | 凯蒂猫正在站着

Peeled bananas

水果 | 剥皮香蕉

A puppy eats dog food

动物 | 一只小狗吃狗粮

Eat roast chicken on Christmas Eve

节日 | 平安夜吃烤鸡


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