A single layer cake with smooth frosting, topped with fresh berries and a dusting of powdered sugar

食物 | A single layer cake with smooth frosting, topped with fresh berries and a dusting of powdered sugar


A horse grazing with its head down

动物 | 一匹低头吃草的马

rainbow and flowers

自然 | 彩虹和花


食物 | 面条

A three-storey house

建筑 | 一栋三层的房子

The desert has cacti

自然 | 沙漠里有仙人掌

Flowers in a vase

植物 | 花瓶里的花

A classic hamburger on a bun with lettuce, tomato, and cheese, served alongside crispy fries on a checkered tablecloth

食物 | 一个经典的汉堡包,上面放着生菜、西红柿和奶酪,旁边配有脆薯条,铺在格子桌布上

Lots of heart balloons and flowers

节日 | Lots of heart balloons and flowers

A house with a chimney

建筑 | 有烟囱的房子

A monkey

动物 | 一只猴子

A rose

植物 | 一朵玫瑰

ocean wave

自然 | 海浪


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