A single layer cake with smooth frosting, topped with fresh berries and a dusting of powdered sugar

food | A single layer cake with smooth frosting, topped with fresh berries and a dusting of powdered sugar

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a Garfield cat looking at the camera

ANIMALS | a Garfield cat looking at the camera

a small cartoon unicorn, close view

UNICORN | a small cartoon unicorn, close view

There is a fountain outside a building

BUILDINGS | There is a fountain outside a building

A swimming Barbie

PEOPLE | A swimming Barbie

A slice of pizza

FOOD | A slice of pizza

A Santa Claus holding a present

FESTIVAL | A Santa Claus holding a present

A bowl of steaming noodles topped with slices of tender meat, served on a simple table

FOOD | A bowl of steaming noodles topped with slices of tender meat, served on a simple table

Luxury cruises

TRANSPORTATION | Luxury cruises

Waves and dolphins

NATURE | Waves and dolphins

Halloween pumpkin

HALLOWEEN | Halloween pumpkin

A super cute boy wearing a wizard's hat and a holding a Halloween pumpkin, close view

HALLOWEEN | A super cute boy wearing a wizard's hat and holding a Halloween pumpkin, close view

a plate of grapes

FRUITS | a plate of grapes

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