a tranquil lake surrounded by smooth, flat rocks, reflecting calm waters, and dotted with a few solitary trees

自然 | a tranquil lake surrounded by smooth, flat rocks, reflecting calm waters, and dotted with a few solitary trees


a Barbie doll

| 一个芭比娃娃

a boy with many toys

| 一个拥有很多玩具的男孩


食物 | 面包

A lovely tree house

建筑 | 一个可爱的树屋

Cliff suspension bridge

自然 | 悬崖吊桥


食物 | 奶酪

A pair of sisters

| 一对姐妹

A single cookie cake on a table, with a fork beside it

食物 | A single cookie cake on a table, with a fork beside it

A chalet

建筑 | 一个小木屋

High-speed rail

交通 | 高铁

A horse grazing with its head down

动物 | 一匹低头吃草的马

Cute bunny

动物 | 可爱的兔子


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