the cartoon-style unicorn sits on the ground

独角兽 | 卡通风格的独角兽坐在地上


a large cargo ship sailing in the open sea

交通 | 一艘在公海航行的大型货船

Barbie in front of the computer

| 巴比在电脑前

a vibrant rainbow arches across the sky

自然 | 一条生动的彩虹横跨天空

One building has a garage

建筑 | 一栋建筑有一个车库

A house with a balcony

建筑 | 有阳台的房子

Halloween pumpkin, smiling

万圣节 | 万圣节南瓜,微笑着


节日 |

Two puppies playing together

动物 | 两只小狗在一起玩

A bowl of steaming noodles topped with slices of tender meat, served on a simple table

食物 | 一碗蒸腾的面条,上面放着嫩肉片,摆放在简单的桌子上


植物 | 仙人掌

Hello Kitty holding a big strawberry

HELLO KITTY | 抱着大草莓的凯蒂猫


水果 | 奇异果


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