a kangaroo hops across a vast, flat plain under a clear sky

动物 | 一只袋鼠在晴朗的天空下跳跃穿越广阔平坦的草原


a Barbie doll

| 一个芭比娃娃

hello kitty is taking photo with a polaroid

HELLO KITTY | Hello Kitty正在用宝丽来拍照

the cartoon-style unicorn sits on the ground with a smile

独角兽 | 卡通风格的独角兽坐在地上,微笑着


水果 | 奇异果

A Christmas stocking

节日 | 圣诞长袜

A high-rise building

建筑 | 一栋高层建筑

hello kitty standing and wearing a hat

HELLO KITTY | 站着的凯蒂猫戴着帽子

a durian fruit cut open

水果 | 切开的榴莲果

One serving of fish-flavored shredded pork

食物 | 一份鱼味 shredded 猪肉

a bunch of roses

植物 | 一束玫瑰

cute mummy with Halloween pumpkin mask

万圣节 | 可爱的木乃伊戴着万圣节南瓜面具

Hello Kitty is eating ice cream

HELLO KITTY | 凯蒂猫正在吃冰淇淋


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