Waves and dolphins

自然 | 波浪和海豚


A puppy is playing with a ball

动物 | 小狗正在玩球

Watermelon, apple, pear, pineapple

水果 | 西瓜,苹果,梨,菠萝

Rabbit holding eggs at Easter

节日 | 复活节拿着鸡蛋的兔子

Santa Claus, simling

节日 | 圣诞老人,微笑着

A single layer cake with smooth frosting, topped with fresh berries and a dusting of powdered sugar

食物 | A single layer cake with smooth frosting, topped with fresh berries and a dusting of powdered sugar

A simple Halloween house

万圣节 | 一个简单的万圣节房子

the unicorn runs under the rainbow

独角兽 | 独角兽在彩虹下奔跑

a vibrant rainbow arches across the sky

自然 | 一条生动的彩虹横跨天空

easter, rabbits

节日 | 复活节,兔子

Some kebabs

食物 | 一些烤肉串

a bunch of roses

植物 | 一束玫瑰

A nurse Barbie

| 护士芭比


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