Halloween pumpkin

万圣节 | 万圣节南瓜


a happy boy, front view

| 一个快乐的男孩,正面视图

cute hello kitty simling, flat style

HELLO KITTY | 可爱的凯蒂猫微笑,扁平风格

Easter Island, front view

自然 | 复活节岛,正面视图

A coconut tree by the sea

自然 | 海边的椰子树

A puppy eats dog food

动物 | 一只小狗吃狗粮

Halloween pumpkin, smiling

万圣节 | 万圣节南瓜,微笑着

A classic hamburger on a bun with lettuce, tomato, and cheese, served alongside crispy fries on a checkered tablecloth

食物 | 一个经典的汉堡包,上面放着生菜、西红柿和奶酪,旁边配有脆薯条,铺在格子桌布上

cute cartoon unicorn

独角兽 | 可爱的卡通独角兽

A cute mummy holding a pumpkin for Halloween

万圣节 | 一个可爱的木乃伊在万圣节时抱着一个南瓜

Barbie in front of the computer

| 巴比在电脑前

a lone cactus stands tall in the vast desert, surrounded by sand dunes and a clear sky

自然 | 一棵孤独的仙人掌高高耸立在辽阔的沙漠中,四周环绕着沙丘和晴朗的天空

A building with a circular swimming pool

建筑 | 一座有圆形游泳池的建筑


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