Some flowers and butterflies are flying

plants | Some flowers and butterflies are flying

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Some kebabs

FOOD | Some kebabs



a teddy dog ​​smiling at the camera

ANIMALS | a teddy dog ​​smiling at the camera

a simple traditional chinese building

BUILDINGS | a simple traditional chinese building


NATURE | desert


FRUITS | peach

One serving of fish-flavored shredded pork

FOOD | One serving of fish-flavored shredded pork

A chalet

BUILDINGS | A chalet


ANIMALS | squirrel

A super cute boy wearing a wizard's hat and a holding a Halloween pumpkin, close view

HALLOWEEN | A super cute boy wearing a wizard's hat and holding a Halloween pumpkin, close view


FOOD | Bread

a single grape hanging from a vine, surrounded by leaves, under a clear sky

FRUITS | a single grape hanging from a vine, surrounded by leaves, under a clear sky

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