A super cute girl wearing a wizard's hat and a Halloween pumpkin, close view

万圣节 | 一个超级可爱的女孩戴着巫师的帽子和万圣节南瓜,特写镜头


a sleek shark glides silently through murky waters

动物 | 一条流线型的鲨鱼静静地滑过浑浊的水域


食物 | 奶酪

Easter Island, front view

自然 | 复活节岛,正面视图

a fat pig sits on the ground and looks at the camera

动物 | 一只胖猪坐在地上看着摄像机

giant panda

动物 | 大熊猫

A building with a garden outside

建筑 | 外面有花园的建筑

a plate of strawberries

水果 | 一盘草莓

a cozy apartment living room with a plush sofa, wooden coffee table, and shelves filled with books and plants

建筑 | 一个舒适的公寓客厅,配有豪华的沙发、木制咖啡桌和装满书籍和植物的书架

Rabbit holding eggs at Easter

节日 | 复活节拿着鸡蛋的兔子


水果 | 草莓

five cute ghosts with wizard hats

万圣节 | 五个戴着巫师帽的可爱幽灵


交通 | 敞篷车


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