an eagle soars in the sky

动物 | 一只老鹰在天空中翱翔


a fat pig sits on the ground and looks at the camera

动物 | 一只胖猪坐在地上看着摄像机

Rabbit holding eggs at Easter

节日 | 复活节拿着鸡蛋的兔子

a Tyrannosaurus Rex stretches its head and looks at the camera

动物 | 一只霸王龙伸展头部并看着相机

a sailboat sailing against the wind in a bay

交通 | 一艘在海湾中逆风航行的帆船

a plane in the cloudy sky

交通 | 云层中的飞机

Cliff suspension bridge

自然 | 悬崖吊桥

Two puppies playing together

动物 | 两只小狗在一起玩

Fried chicken thighs

食物 | 炸鸡腿

Some strawberries

水果 | 一些草莓

a lone cactus stands tall in the vast desert, surrounded by sand dunes and a clear sky

自然 | 一棵孤独的仙人掌高高耸立在辽阔的沙漠中,四周环绕着沙丘和晴朗的天空

A nurse Barbie

| 护士芭比

There is a fountain outside a building

建筑 | 建筑外有一个喷泉


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